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Arab Voices
Professor Noura Erakat on Israel's legal manipulation to erase Palestinians
Apartheid Israel continues its genocide, war crimes, slaughter, and ethnic cleansing in the Gaza Strip at an unprecedented rate killing more than 32,000 Palestinians (mostly women and children), injuring more than 75,000, and destroying most of the Gaza Strip, in just over the past 5 months, making the Gaza Strip uninhabitable. Israel has been attempting very hard and for many years, not just after October 7, 2023, to erase Palestinians.
In this episode of Arab Voices (#1,105), we will air a couple of segments from The Chris Hedges Report, in which journalist, author, and commentator Chris Hedges interviews Professor Noura Erakat on Israel's legal manipulation to erase Palestinians.
From The Chris Hedges Report:
Time and time again, the human rights attorney Noura Erakat writes, we see evidence of the laws assumed insignificance in the dispossession of Palestinians. Great Britain remained committed to establishing a Jewish national homeland in Palestine despite its legal duties as the Mandatory Power to shepherd local Arab peoples to independence. The Permanent Mandates Commission remained committed to the incorporation of the Balfour Declaration into the Mandate for Palestine, in contravention of the Covenant of the League of Nations, which, in discussing the disposition of the communities formerly belonging to the Turkish Empire stated that the wishes of these communities must be a primary consideration. The United Nations proposed partition of Palestine without legal consultation and in disregard of the existing populations well-being and development, which the same Covenant had declared to be a sacred trust of civilization. Zionist militias established Israel by force, without regard to the Partition Plans stipulated borders. The United Nations accepted Israel as a member despite the states violation of the nondiscrimination clauses of the Partition Plan and of the UN's own condition that Israel permit the return of forcibly displaced Palestinian refugees.
The very origins of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Erakat continues, suggest that it is characterized by outright lawlessness, and yet conflicts have been as defined by astute attention to law and legal controversy as this one. Do Jews have a right to self-determination in a territory in which they did not reside but settled? Are Palestinians a nation with the right to self-determination, or are they merely a heterogeneous polity of Arabs eligible for minority rights? Did the United Nations have the authority to propose partition in contravention of he will of the local population? Are the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip occupied, as a matter of law, that is, are they recognized as such by law? Does Israel have the right, in law, to self-defense against Palestinians living in the Occupied Territories? Do Palestinians have the right to use armed force against Israel? Is the route of Israel's Separation barrier, built predominantly in the West Bank, illegal? Is Israel and apartheid regime?
Joining Chris Hedges to discuss these issues, examined in her book Justice for Some: Law and the Question of Palestine, is the human rights attorney and assistant professor at Rutgers University Noura Erakat.
Arab Voices aims at bringing the truth, facts, and realities to a wide and diverse range of listeners. It debunks many of the stereotypes, myths, and false information disseminated by certain media outlets, some politicians, and others.
Arab Voices is a syndicated program that airs on other radio stations in different cities in the U.S.A. and Europe.
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TSH - Tingulli Shqiptar
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Die Sendung in albanischer Sprache. Informationen, Kultur, Unterhaltung, Talk und Musik.. Das Ziel ist es, genaue Informationen in albanischer Sprache zu liefern, welche sonst nicht erhältlich sind. Kadri Ismajli können Sie via eMail oder Telefon kontaktieren: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! / 076 588 21 04
Radio Nedaye Moghavemat - Stimme des Widerstandes
Heute sind wir uns alle darüber im Klaren, dass die Auflösung der Islamischen Republik Iran (IRI), das Erreichen sozialer Gerechtigkeit und eine Stärkung der Zivilgesellschaft den gemeinsamen Kampf aller Freiheit liebenden Menschen und ihre Entschlossenheit zur Praxis voraussetzt. Die Unentschlossenheit der oppositionellen Kräfte hinderte die Zusammenarbeit zum Kampf gegen die IRI und für die Errichtung einer Demokratie und die Realisierung humanitärer Ideale. Wir sind der Meinung, dass das Erlangen von Freiheit, sozialer Gerechtigkeit und einer Bestärkung der Zivilgesellschaft die Auflösung der IRI voraussetzen. Es ist unabdingbar, dass die Opposition sich gemeinsame Ziele setzt und geeint zur Tat schreitet.
Deshalb haben die iranische Organisationen in der Schweiz einige Sitzungen zur Bildung einer Allianz organisiert, um gemeinsame Aktivitäten durchgeführt. Diese Organisationen haben erkannt, dass mangelnde Kooperation innerhalb der Opposition zu ihrer Schwächung und somit zum Weiterbestehen der IRI beiträgt. Nach monatelangen Diskussionen sind sie zu einem Konsens gekommen und haben die Organisation „Allianz der demokratisch-iranischen Kräfte – Schweiz“ gegründet.
Diese Sendung ist Teil der neu gegründeten „Allianz der demokratisch-iranischen Kräfte -Schweiz“. SIe besteht aus links-demokratischen Kräften, welche sich als Opposition der IRI verstehen.
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