
Pacifica Radio: Sprouts

Sprouts: Radio from the Grassroots, is a weekly program produced collaboratively by radio producers at community stations around the world. The show features local news and culture of international interest.

Internet: www.pacifica.org

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Bereits ausgestrahlte Sendungen können seit dem 17. April 2023 in der Radio LoRa Mediathek als MP3-Aufnahmen abgerufen werden.

Donnerstag, 22.02.2024 - 09:30 - 10:00

Pacifica Radio: Sprouts

Sprouts: Radio from the Grassroots, is a weekly program produced collaboratively by radio producers at community stations around the world. The show features local news and culture of international interest.



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Donnerstag, 15.02.2024 - 09:30 - 10:00

Pacifica Radio: Sprouts

Sprouts: Radio from the Grassroots, is a weekly program produced collaboratively by radio producers at community stations around the world. The show features local news and culture of international interest.



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Donnerstag, 08.02.2024 - 09:30 - 10:00

Pacifica Radio: Sprouts

Sprouts: Radio from the Grassroots, is a weekly program produced collaboratively by radio producers at community stations around the world. The show features local news and culture of international interest.



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Donnerstag, 01.02.2024 - 09:30 - 10:00

Pacifica Radio: Sprouts

A View from A Transgender Elder 

In our heated national conversation about transgender youth, one major stakeholder's voice has been largely silent: transgender elders. Sandy Stone is now known as the founder of Transgender Studies, a performance artist, and a noted recording engineer. But she first stepped away from her parents home as a confused boy, unsure of why her inner self didnt match external expectations.

This episode shows how Sandy navigated a world in which the word "transgender" wasn't even coined yet, and sheds light on the experiences and needs of today's transgender youth. She explains, "I really became a person, a human being, when I became a woman." 
Artist, Academic, and Engineer Sandy Stone 

Sprouts is a weekly program produced in collaboration with community radio stations and independent producers featuring radio productions of national interest. The program is coordinated and distributed by Pacifica Radio  
Hosted and Produced by Suki Wessling of The Babblery at KSQD in Santa Cruz. 

Sprouts: Radio from the Grassroots, is a weekly program produced collaboratively by radio producers at community stations around the world. The show features local news and culture of international interest.



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Donnerstag, 25.01.2024 - 09:30 - 10:00

Pacifica Radio: Sprouts

Sprouts: Radio from the Grassroots, is a weekly program produced collaboratively by radio producers at community stations around the world. The show features local news and culture of international interest.



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Donnerstag, 18.01.2024 - 09:30 - 10:00

Pacifica Radio: Sprouts

Sprouts: Radio from the Grassroots, is a weekly program produced collaboratively by radio producers at community stations around the world. The show features local news and culture of international interest.



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Donnerstag, 11.01.2024 - 09:30 - 10:00

Pacifica Radio: Sprouts

Sprouts: Radio from the Grassroots, is a weekly program produced collaboratively by radio producers at community stations around the world. The show features local news and culture of international interest.



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Donnerstag, 04.01.2024 - 09:30 - 10:00

Pacifica Radio: Sprouts

Sprouts: Radio from the Grassroots, is a weekly program produced collaboratively by radio producers at community stations around the world. The show features local news and culture of international interest.



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Donnerstag, 28.12.2023 - 09:30 - 10:00

Best of 23 Special - Pacifica Radio: Sprouts

Sprouts: Radio from the Grassroots, is a weekly program produced collaboratively by radio producers at community stations around the world. The show features local news and culture of international interest.



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Donnerstag, 21.12.2023 - 09:30 - 10:00

Pacifica Radio: Sprouts

Sprouts: Radio from the Grassroots, is a weekly program produced collaboratively by radio producers at community stations around the world. The show features local news and culture of international interest.



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Donnerstag, 14.12.2023 - 09:30 - 10:00

Pacifica Radio: Sprouts

Sprouts: Radio from the Grassroots, is a weekly program produced collaboratively by radio producers at community stations around the world. The show features local news and culture of international interest.



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Donnerstag, 07.12.2023 - 09:30 - 10:00

Pacifica Radio: Sprouts

Sprouts: Radio from the Grassroots, is a weekly program produced collaboratively by radio producers at community stations around the world. The show features local news and culture of international interest.



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Donnerstag, 30.11.2023 - 09:30 - 10:00

Pacifica Radio: Sprouts

Sprouts: Radio from the Grassroots, is a weekly program produced collaboratively by radio producers at community stations around the world. The show features local news and culture of international interest.



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Donnerstag, 23.11.2023 - 09:30 - 10:00

Pacifica Radio: Sprouts

Sprouts: Radio from the Grassroots, is a weekly program produced collaboratively by radio producers at community stations around the world. The show features local news and culture of international interest.



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Donnerstag, 16.11.2023 - 09:30 - 10:00

Pacifica Radio: Sprouts

The Consequences of Bottled Water 

In just four decades, bottled water has transformed from a luxury niche item into a ubiquitous consumer product, representing a $300 billion market dominated by global corporations. It sits at the convergence of a mounting ecological crisis of single-use plastic waste and climate change, a social crisis of affordable access to safe drinking water, and a struggle over the fate of public water systems.

Justin Mog from WFMP-LP Louisville, KY (Forward Radio), opens the tap for a much-needed conversation with Dr. Daniel Jaffee, author of the brand new book, "Unbottled: The Fight against Plastic Water and for Water Justice."

Unbottled examines the vibrant movements that have emerged to question the need for bottled water and challenge its growth in North America and worldwide. Drawing on extensive interviews with activists, residents, public officials, and other participants in controversies ranging from bottled water's role in unsafe tap water crises to groundwater extraction for bottling in rural communities, Dan Jaffee asks what this commodity's meteoric growth means for social inequality, sustainability, and the human right to water. Unbottled profiles campaigns to reclaim the tap and addresses the challenges of ending dependence on packaged water in places where safe water is not widely accessible. Clear and compelling, it assesses the prospects for the movements fighting plastic water and working to ensure water justice for all.

Dan Jaffee is an environmental and rural sociologist, and Associate Professor of Sociology at Portland State University. He has published a number of articles and book chapters on water commodification and on social conflicts around bottled water. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2006. 

Sprouts: Radio from the Grassroots, is a weekly program produced collaboratively by radio producers at community stations around the world. The show features local news and culture of international interest.



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Donnerstag, 09.11.2023 - 09:30 - 10:00

Pacifica Radio: Sprouts

Sprouts: Radio from the Grassroots, is a weekly program produced collaboratively by radio producers at community stations around the world. The show features local news and culture of international interest.



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Donnerstag, 02.11.2023 - 09:30 - 10:00

Pacifica Radio: Sprouts

Sprouts: Radio from the Grassroots, is a weekly program produced collaboratively by radio producers at community stations around the world. The show features local news and culture of international interest.



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Donnerstag, 26.10.2023 - 09:30 - 10:00

Pacifica Radio: Sprouts

Sprouts: Radio from the Grassroots, is a weekly program produced collaboratively by radio producers at community stations around the world. The show features local news and culture of international interest.



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Donnerstag, 19.10.2023 - 09:30 - 10:00

Pacifica Radio: Sprouts

Comedy as a Public Service 
Comedian Karin Babbitt returns to the stage 

Women make up half of the population, but women don't make up half of stand-up comedians, not by far. Today, they make up just 14% of the profession.

So what is it like to be a woman stand-up? What might drive a woman to try stand-up in a male dominated field?

Comedian Karin Babbitt shares her perspective and talks about her return to the stage as a mature adult. After raising a family, Karin renewed her comedic skills, years after she achieved limited success in a time less friendly to women standup comedians. Now, her confidence is more grounded in her work, instead of where she hopes it will take her. 
Suki Wessling, Karin Babbitt

Sprouts: Radio from the Grassroots, is a weekly program produced collaboratively by radio producers at community stations around the world. The show features local news and culture of international interest.



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Donnerstag, 12.10.2023 - 09:30 - 10:00

Pacifica Radio: Sprouts

The Supermarket: How it Shapes Our Food System 

In 1916, Clarence Saunders opened the first self-service grocery store called the Piggly Wiggly. It was revolutionary. It changed the way people shopped for food. Instead of taking a list to a counter and asking the grocer for items, customers were let loose in a maze of shelves to find items on their own. This saved money for the grocer in two ways: by cutting down on labor, and by encouraging people to buy on impulse instead of necessity.

Markus Puskar takes us on a capitalism journey by sharing the story of the Piggly Wiggly and the mass marketing culture that it helped inspire. This is the first episode in his documentary series called "Candy Jail." 
British Journalist Raj Patel, Chemical Engineer & Environmental Activist Jan Dell 

Sprouts: Radio from the Grassroots, is a weekly program produced collaboratively by radio producers at community stations around the world. The show features local news and culture of international interest.



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Radio LoRa

Militärstrasse 85a, 8004 Zürich

Studio: 044 567 24 00

Koordination: 044 567 24 11

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Präsenzzeiten: Montag bis Freitag 13 – 17 Uhr

IBAN CH91 0900 0000 8001 4403 9

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