

Bioneers is inspiring a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other and future generations. Award winning national and international radio series. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature".

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Mittwoch, 26.11.2008 - 08:00 - 08:30


Bioneers is inspiring a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other and future generations.
Award winning national and international radio series. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature"
A Return to Wholeness: Storytelling as a Healing Art
«The future may depend on our remembering that everything has in it a dream of itself. That the seeds of wholeness and the seeds of needed change are already present in all events and all people and every one of us. That the wholeness of the world can only be restored one heart at a time.» So says doctor and healer Rachel Naomi Remen. She has cultivated a new generation of doctors practicing whole-person medicine, with an unlikely message: Bless others out loud. The wholeness of the world is restored one heart at a time. (03-08)



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Mittwoch, 19.11.2008 - 08:00 - 08:30


Bioneers is inspiring a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other and future generations.
Award winning national and international radio series. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature"
Today: Land of the Free: Rekindling Democracy in the Age of Corporate Rule
If we live in a democracy, why does the clout of big business—corporate rights—inevitably trump human rights? And under our property-rights constitution, nature has no rights. That may be changing, according to environmental attorney Thomas Linzey and his community-based clients Fred and Pat Walls. They challenged the rhinoceros in the room—the rights that allow corporations to effectively nullify elections in rural Pennsylvania and override public priorities nationwide. This next American Revolution is demanding the separation of corporations and state.
(VIII 02-08)



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Mittwoch, 12.11.2008 - 08:00 - 08:30


Bioneers is inspiring a shift to live on Earth in ways that honor the web of life, each other and future generations.
Award winning national and international radio series. "Revolution from the Heart of Nature"
Today: From Kingdom to Kin-dom: Acting As If We Have Relatives
From the microbes to the mammals, all life shares far more in common than what makes us different. In other words, it’s all relatives. If we knew that literally we are water, that we are mushrooms, that we are stardust—instead of shredding the web of life, might we start acting as if we have relatives? Bioneers Brock Dolman, Paul Stamets and Brian Swimme reveal inspiring reflections in the gene pool that show life as a kin-dom, not a kingdom. (VIII 01-08)



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