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Radio LoRa listens and provides a mailbox for those who have something to say.

The Operational Group (or Betriebsgruppe - BG) ensures  the implementation of the program of action on behalf of the association. As a support, it ensures that the volunteer radio senders can send their programs on air and that the radiois running well. 

The BG takes charge of the radio technic, the order in the house and support of the broadcasters, the program structure, the finances and membership management, public relations and fundraising, the promotion of women’s equality and of special programs and projects. For these functions, seven people are currently employed part-time.

Office Hours : Monday to Friday 1pm - 5pm

Contact and Responsible Desks

Program coordinationOffice hours Wed, Thu, Fri

  • Communication / coordination of the broadcasters
  • Registration for the Basic Course in Radio Journalism
  • Coordination of Questions and Feedbacks on the Radio Program (daily program and program structure)
  • Support for the Broadcast Commission

program[at] / Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

044 567 24 12


AdministrationOffice hours Mon, Tue, Wed

  • Administration of Membership
  • Contact for institutions and authorities
  • Personnel and payroll Administration 
  • Accounting
  • Coordination of Committee Meetings


044 567 24 15


Public Relations & FundraisingOffice Hours Tue, Wed, Thu

  • Sponsoring / Fundraising / Donations
  • Media relations
  • Partnerships / Cooperations
  • Website, social media, lorainfo (LINK)


044 567 24 13


Women’s DeskOffice Hours Mon, Tue, Fri

  • Coordination of the women's desk
  • Assistance and support of radio programs by and for women
  • Coordination of projects and events by and for women
  • Ensures gender equality and women's empowerment in LoRa


044 567 24 14

Projects Office Hours Tue, Wed, Thu

  • Radio-related projects and special programs
  • Further training for Radio makers 
  • Fundraising
  • Quality Management


044 567 24 16


Support & HouseOffice Hours Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri

  • Provides technical support for the Radio makers
  • Coordination of volunteers and support for LoRa events
  • Responsible for maintaining the Infrastructure and order in the house


044 567 24 11


Technical Support – Office Hours Mon, Tues, Thu

  • Support of volunteer radio makers
  • Technical infrastructure


044 567 24 11


Telephone Live-Studio: 044 567 24 00


Donations & Membership Fees

Postcheck Account 80-14403-9
IBAN CH91 0900 0000 8001 4403 9

Verein Radio LoRa, Militärstrasse 85a, 8004 Zürich


Studio & Postal Address

Verein Radio LoRa
Militärstrasse 85a
8004 Zürich

Bus Nr. 31 until bus stop "Kanonengasse". From there take the walkthrough at Militärstrasse 85 to get into the patio.

Militärstr. 85a, 8004 Zürich

Radio LoRa

Militärstrasse 85a, 8004 Zürich

Studio: 044 567 24 00

Koordination: 044 567 24 11

E-Mail Kontakt: Link hier

Präsenzzeiten: Montag bis Freitag 13 – 17 Uhr

IBAN CH91 0900 0000 8001 4403 9

Direct Stream:

Das Radio Lora hat viele Barrieren.
Nur der Eingangsbereich ist rollstuhlgängig. Das Livestudio befindet sich im Parterre, die Tür ist jedoch nur 80cm breit. Zur Toilette und zum Aufnahmestudio muss eine Treppe heruntergestiegen werden.

Führungen für Schulklassen

Auf suchen

Verein und Semas

Hier findest du alle Dokumente, die für dich als Sendungs- machende oder als Vereins- mitglied von Interesse sind. Oder wenn du es werden möchtest!
